Alloggio Pensioni Cristian senza interme­diari

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6 Alloggio Pensioni in Cristian

12 posti, 6 camere
The recently restored private holiday Villa Ambient is a synonym for treasure. Tucked away in the heart of Cristian village, Ambient Villa 5 offers privacy and luxury with all the conveniences of a full service hotel. The magnificent villa was built over 2 centuries ago by the Saxons and it was fully restored in 2010. Location Situated in one of the best preserved medieval areas around Braşov, [...] per saperne di più »
Cristian, str. Grivitei, Nr.9,
55 posti, 22 camere
Cristian, Grivitei 5, jud. Brasov
1 posti, 1 camere
Cristian, Lunga nr. 69, jud. Brasov
10 posti, 5 camere
Cristian, str. George Cosbuc, nr. 22, jud. Brasov
40 posti, 17 camere
Cristian, Jud. Brasov
12 posti, 5 camere
Cristian, str. Grivitei, nr. 2
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